
Lists your subscription plans. Each plan have an ID that must be unique. If you want to make a new version of a plan, add a version in the ID.



Describes the plan

   iso1: description in first language
   iso2: description in second language


This section defines the availaibility of the plan. since and until define an interval. archived hide the plan in the admin interface.

    since: start-date-iso #e.g. 2016-01-01
    until: end-date-iso #e.g. 2017-01-01
    archived: true


Defines a color for the plan that be used in interface

color: #hex


Defines an icon (from fontawesome) for the plan that will be used in the admin interface

color: fontawesomeID


The trial section defines the trial period of the plan.

    duration: 99(d|w|m|y)
        lang-iso: Description
        lang-iso2: Description...


When a plan is remplace by a new plan, defines the policy followed : free (the new subscription can also have a free trial period), continue (can have an trial period, but will be billed at the last subscription price) or forbidden (the new can not have a trial).

This policy overrides the trial configuration.

    change-policy : free|continue|forbidden


Must be a multiple of the period, defines the minimum duration of a customer subscription.

minimum-duration: 99(d|m|y)


When a plan is replaced by a new one in a subscription, defines the policy to follow : reset the minimum-duration of the new plan if fully applied, continue the minimum-duration of the new plan is adapted to complete with the previous one and continueif do the same only if the commitment period defined by mimumduration is the same on the both plan, else do the reset policy

commitment-policy: reset|continue|confinueif


Fixes the total duration of the subscription for non open-ended plan. Must be a multiple of the period.

totalduration: 99(d|w|m|y)


If true the plan is automaticly renew at the end of each period.

auto-renew: true|false


You can group different plans together

group: name


Defines which value can be overwritten when the plan is created.

editable: [description, period, minimum-duration, totalduration, auto-renew, trial] #key name


The terms-of-service section defines the TOS applied to the subscription.

        lang-iso: description
    version: 99.99 # version number
    url: url # url to access the full version of the TOS


Gives informations displayed in the backoffice. Nonpublic informations.

note: internal information


In this section you can add everything you want. It will not be used for the billing, but you will be able to access this data though the API. (same as at option level)

        "iwant": true
        "isay": "why not"
        etc: ...

Options sections

This four sections describe options linked to this plan. Each option can be overloaded in each section, to set a specific price or quantity for example.

An option that is not linked to a plan through one of this four sections can not be applied to a customer.


This section defines all the options include in standard in the plan. Each option have to be defined in options.yaml.


This section defines all the options that are billed on metered usage and included in standard in the plan. Each option have to be defined in options.yaml.

consumable resource.


This section defines all the options included in standard at the start of the subscription plan. Each option have to be defined in options.yaml.

This options will be billed only one time.


This section defines all the options that can be added in a subscription. Each option have to be defined in options.yaml. No other option can be added in a customer subscription.


    "young": # identifiant du plan
        group: SPREAD2013
        period: 12m # Durée d'une période standard en mois
        auto-renew: true # tacite reconduction
        minimum-duration: 12m #durée minimum d'un abonnement en mois
        #totalduration: 24m # durée totale fixe et maximum
        description: # description publique
            fr: Abonnement YOUNG
            en: YOUNG Subscription
        note: Ancien abonnement, utilisé de septembre 2014 à septembre 2016
                fr: Conditions générales d'utilisation
                en: Term of service (french)
            version: 1.7 # version number
            url: # url to access the full version of the TOS
            installment: [1, 2, 6, free]
            term: upfront|endofperiod
            renew: anniversary|week|month|year
            renew-gap: 4 #only if new il month of year, the bill will be issued the 4th of the month
            duration: 15d #ou 1m
                fr: Période d'essai
                en: Trial period
        oneshot-initial: #
                    fr: Frais de mises en route
                    en: Setup fee
        options-included: # liste des options incluses dans le plan
            ##### comment on gere les prix ou pas pour ces options
                visible: true # sera visible sur la facture
                editable: [quantity, description, price]
                visible: true # sera visible sur la facture
                price-impact: false
                quantity: 6 # 1 est la valeur par défaut qui pas de qté
                quantity: 1
                quantity: 2
                visible: false # ne sera pas affiché dans la facture. Ce paramètre passe automatique price-impact à false pour l'option
                quantity: 50
        options-usage: # liste des options dont le prix est calculé en fonction de l'usage (en fin de période)
                    fr: Pack de 1000 emails dépassement
                    en: 1000 emails pack (over included)
                price: # the price defined in the option is override
                    eur: 2
                    usd: 3
                visibility: full # affiche la quantité et le prix
        oneshot-ondemand: # liste des options que l'on peut ajouter au plan, ou facturer
            "young-sponsorship": #id de l'option (créé dans options.yaml)
                    visibility: optional # n'est pas ajouté mais doit être ajouté manuellement, valeur par defaut
            "service": # visibility: optional est par defaut, pas besoin

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